Secure Data

"The most valuable commodity I know of is information" Gordon Gekko, Wall St


You can lose your critical information in so many different ways. It may be as a result of a virus, malware or some other cybercrime activity, or you could simply leave your laptop on the train. It could be a crucial spreadsheet. It could be thousands of photographs.

How many times have you heard people say ‘backup, backup, backup’

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the single most important thing you have to do to save yourself from a potential disaster that could seriously put you out of business is to ensure that your important company documents are effectively backed up and that these backup copies are kept current and safe and separate from the primary copies.

If the documents or photographs or videos or emails which are important to you are only held on one hard drive, you may well lose the lot irretrievably, when that hard drive fails. And hard drives do fail, surprisingly often.

I have lost count of the number of people who have said to me, ‘if only I’d known this in the past …’ when it’s too late now and it’s all gone.

While it’s true that hard disk failure can happen in a lot of different ways (and it isn’t always fatal) it can be reasonably simple to ensure your data is safe. It just needs a little planning beforehand.

We have been at the foreground of ‘Disaster Recovery Planning’ for small businesses for over ten years and really do have a wealth of experience to help you with your plan and even to implement it for you and carry out and check your backups for you if you want us to.

But no backup strategy can be considered reliable unless it is tested – properly.

Every small business that signs up with us for an IT support contract gets DR planning included as a matter of course, and we ensure it works by running a full blown recovery test.

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